Using a thicker, creamier moisturizer is part of winter skin care. The icy winds and cold temperatures coupled with the blast of electric heat dry out the skin, leaving it dull and crepe-y looking. For those already prone to dryness, it can feel like there’s not enough moisturizer in the world. Fortunately, the makers of Botox® Cosmetic have created Volite, a new anti-ageing moisturizing injectable that effectively quenches incredibly thirsty skin.

How Volite Works For Skin Treatments

Volite improves the condition of the skin. It’s the first injectable treatment clinically proven to improve dermal hydration up to nine months—in just one treatment.

Volite is made from hyaluronic acid, a featured ingredient in many serums and moisturizers. That’s because this molecule can hold up to 1000 times its own weight in water, temporarily delivering a short-term hydration hit that helps reduce the appearance of lines by volumizing the skin and contours on the face. Hyaluronic acid is a naturally occurring molecule in the human body, but levels deplete as we age—just one of the many factors that contribute to the appearance of ageing skin.

Try Volite in Vancouver

As a revolutionary moisturizing treatment, Volite is administered by injecting microdoses of the liquid hyaluronic acid delivering results creams and serums just can’t. Once in place, it works to plump and hydrate, smoothing roughness and reducing the appearance of fine lines and depressions.

For skin that needs extra TLC in the extreme wintery conditions (like we’re currently experiencing in Vancouver), Volite is a gamechanger. It has visibly improved elasticity and hydration for many clients at Dr. Kamani’s clinic.  Your skin will feel healthier.

Contact Dr. Kamani to Buy Volite in Vancouver

For a truly innovative moisturizing solution, Volite works from the inside out, providing medically proven results. To learn more about Volite in Vancouver, connect with Dr. Kamani’s office at (604) 222-9998.