
Lumecca IPL Treatments in Vancouver

Lumecca in Vancouver: A Clear Choice for IPL Photorejuvenation

Dr. Kamani is now offering Lumecca at her skin clinic in Vancouver. As an intense IPL photorejuvenation treatment, Lumecca is designed to treat pigmented and vascular lesions—all those colorful little veins and spots you never wanted. 

Why Lumecca?

For patients trying to improve complexion and clarity, Lumecca yields fantastic results. By delivering up to 3X more energy in the 500-600 nm range, Lumecca dramatically improves the efficacy of treating vascular and pigmented lesions. It is an optimized IPL photorejuvenation solution that allows Dr. Kamani to treat a variety of imperfections in a few sessions.


Introducing Fractional Resurfacing

Have you noticed jowliness, acne scars, dullness, or fine lines? Imagine if you could address all these skincare concerns with one rejuvenating treatment? You can. Fractional resurfacing in Vancouver is now available from Dr. Kamani and her team.

What is Fractional Resurfacing?

Designed for contouring and tightening, Morpheus8 is the new 25-minute skin tightening tweakment that has celebrities like Kim K. and Amanda Holden queuing up. The handheld zapper combines two incredibly effective anti-aging treatments—microneedling and radiofrequency.


SkinCeuticals in Vancouver: Tips for Weathering the Cold

Suffering from a lackluster complexion? As a skin specialist in Vancouver, Dr. Kamani works with clients looking to improve texture, tone, and hydration through personalized skin care products and services.

Wintertime is often a challenge in terms of skincare. Not only does the weather damage the surface of your skin, but indoors the heat can zap essential moisture. All this can lead to damage—fine lines, wrinkles, rough, uneven skin texture, clogged pores, and redness can all be symptomatic of the cold weather. Fortunately, it doesn’t have to be this way. Along with using the right products, a few simple changes to your everyday routine can work wonders for your complexion.


Introducing Tripeptide-R Neck Repair – SkinCeuticals

We’re very proud to announce a new addition to our SkinCeuticals store. Tripeptide-R Neck Repair is a tri-functional corrective treatment for early to advanced signs of visible neck aging which include:

Horizontal neck lines
Skin firmness

Specifically formulated for the neck’s fragile skin. It’s appropriate for daily use and complements professional treatments. Specially designed to address early to advanced visible signs of neck aging, it combines a tri-functional corrective technology with a hydrating delivery system, fortifying your skin’s extracellular matrix and supporting the skin’s natural resistance to visible aging.

Coolsculpting Vancouver

25% Off CoolSculpting in Vancouver Till the End of December

CoolSculpting in Vancouver

Go further with CoolSculpting. When you’re dealing with stubborn fat that just won’t budge, try CoolSculpting in Vancouver with Dr. Kamani. Till the end of December, we’re offering 25% off all CoolSculpting sessions.

CoolSculpting is a treatment offered by doctors for non-surgical fat reduction. As a safe, proven method for reducing pockets of fat in trouble spots such as the abdomen, flanks, or under the arms, CoolSculpting can reduce up to 20-25% reduction in fat layer thickness after a single session. Your personalized treatment plan will outline how many sessions are required to meet your specified goals (most patients require 4-6 treatments).


Skincare in Vancouver: Post Summer Skin Repair

Looking for skincare in Vancouver? The summer days are at an end. However, some spots may have decided to take up permanent residence as your tan fades. This is fairly routine and easy to treat, and the darker day is a great time to detox and give your skin a little TLC after too many days in the sun.

Skin Care in Vancouver: Repairing Sun Damage

If post-summer skincare is on your to-do list. Dr. Rozmin Kamani is here to help. As an aesthetic doctor based in Kitsilano, she offers treatment like medical-grade facial treatments, including facial peels and IPL laser treatments in Vancouver 

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CoolSculpting in Vancouver: Fat reduction Vs. Weight Loss

Are you struggling with stubborn pockets of fat in trouble spots such as the abdomen, flanks, or under the arms? At her CoolSculpting clinic in Vancouver, Dr. Kamani works one-in-one with patients looking for a non-surgical, scientifically proven way to reduce pockets of fat. 

CoolSculpting is not a weight-loss treatment, but the #1 non-surgical fat reduction treatment used by doctors today. The CoolSculpting procedure is FDA-cleared for the treatment of visible fat bulges in thigh, abdomen, and flank, along with bra fat, back fat, underneath the buttocks (also known as banana roll) and upper arm. 


Seeing Spots? Try IPL Treatments in Vancouver

IPL Treatments in Vancouver
Most people don’t think about sun damage until their thirties. That’s when spotting begins. Especially on fairer skin, the accumulated damage from all those sunburns and blisters can start showing through, changing the complexion with a series of spots. And while some skincare can gradually diminish marks, the go-to treatment for cosmetically reversing the effects of sun damage is Intense Pulse Light (IPL) laser treatment. 

IPL Treatment for Sun Damaged Skin

If this is your first-time hearing about IPL laser treatments and light therapy, IPL is an intense, visible, broad-spectrum light that safely heats and treats various skin concerns. Think pigmentation, broken capillaries, brown spots, and melasma. As treatment IPL was first approved by the FDA in the mid-nineties, and it’s been growing in popularity ever since.


Volite in Vancouver: The Newest Beauty Injectable from Dr. Kamani

There are so many incredible beauty treatments on the market right now. For people who want to streamline their routine and save time, techniques like microblading, lash lifts, and injections have become a beauty mainstay, but now we’ve got a new shortcut for skincare!

The latest anti-aging injectable doesn’t smooth skin or fight wrinkles—Volite by Allergan (the maker of Botox) is a long-term hyaluronic acid moisture treatment that can provide up to nine months of dermal hydration. That means you get an instant, radiant glow that lasts for months in just one treatment.


Working with a Cosmetic Doctor: 5 Reasons Professional Skincare is More than Skin-deep

Looking for a  cosmetic doctor? As a physician of aesthetic medicine, Dr. Rozmin Kamani is adept at diagnosing and treating patients’ skin. People come looking for solutions for a variety of conditions that range from redness and aging to acne, pores, and discoloration.

Cosmetic Doctor – Dr. Kamani in Vancouver Kitsilano

Dr. Kamani is an expert when it comes to educating, screening, and treating various skin issues. For those who have not been blessed with naturally cooperative complexions, a skin doctor can fill in the blanks, providing insight and advice for those suffering from common skin woes. While some people seem to have naturally flawless complexions, the reality is that they’ve likely learned how to manage their skin’s quirks and developed a core routine that caters to its needs