The hazy days of youth spent sunning on the beach once meant the glorious glow of sun-kissed bronze. Fast forward ten or twenty years, and the tiny freckles that once vanished in a few days are now permanently smattered across your arms, legs, face, and chest. If sun damage has become a concern, Dr. Kamani has a solution. IPL Lumecca by InMode is the most powerful IPL in Vancouver.


Lumecca is a safe, non-surgical option for men and women with sun-damaged skin. This treatment is simple and effective. Dr. Kamani uses the IPL device to target pigmentation and vascular lesions caused by excessive sun exposure. 


The brown spots we see, called age spots or sunspots, occur when the cells under the skin produce excess melanin—the pigmentation in our skin. Lumecca helps to reverse these spots using a precisely targeted laser to breaks up the pigmentation selectively while leaving your surrounding skin unharmed. The heat then carries the damaged cells to the skin’s surface, where they are gradually sloughed away as part of the body’s natural exfoliation process. Note—your spots may appear darker before lifting from the skin.


Lumecca may be used to target freckling and melasma as well as vascular lesions—the tiny blood capillaries become visible on the skin that can occur as a result of sun exposure, aging, smoking or alcohol, or trauma to the area. 


IPL Lumecca offers accelerated results over regular IPL. Most patients realize their goals between 3-5 sessions. Dr. Kamani works to gently and gradually provide steady improvement of skin symptoms. During each session, she will adjust the settings during each session to reach pigmentations and blood vessels at different depths. Sessions are typically offered four weeks apart, allowing the skin to turn over and heal, so Dr. Kamani can track the process and build on your success. 

For all types of skin irregularities, Lumecca IPL in Vancouver works to turn back the clock, diminishing the look of years of sun damage for skin that appears more toned, luminous, and even. Learn if IPL in Vancouver is the right solution for your skin concerns. 

Book a skin consultation with Dr. Kamani at 604.222.9998