Waxing, shaving, and tweezing—hair removal plays a role in daily grooming for many of us. As painful, messy, and time-consuming as it is, we follow these routines to look and feel good about ourselves. No wonder so many people invest in laser hair removal in Vancouver.

At Kitsilano Medical Aesthetics (KMA), Dr. Rozmin Kamani works with patients looking for solutions to eliminate hair growth in areas like the arms, legs, and back, as well as smaller, more delicate areas like the underarm, upper lip, sideburns, and bikini line. However, not all hair removal treatments are equal. Our clinic has invested in the DiolazeXL, known industry wide as the gold standard in laser hair removal, to offer patients superior results.

DiolazeXL For Laser Hair Removal in Vancouver

Designed by the medical tech innovators at Inmode, DiolazeXL combines optimal results with maximum comfort and safety. Pulses of highly concentrated light are emitted from the laser into the hair follicles. The pigment in the follicles absorbs the light, destroying the hair. Almost 90 percent of laser hair removal patients, who are good candidates for the procedure, report permanent hair loss after an average of three to six sessions.

For most people, effective hair removal starts during the season of pumpkin spice and sweaters, aka now. Hair goes through a growth phase and a resting and falling-out phase. Laser hair removal doesn’t work after just one treatment because it’s likely some of the hairs may not be there when you come in. It’s only over multiple treatments that it becomes possible to treat all the hair in the different growth cycle stages, which is why treatments are spaced about a month apart.

Benefits of DiolazeXL for Laser Hair Removal

As advanced medical technology, the DiolazeXL offers distinct almost benefits to patients considering an investment in laser hair removal.

High Precision Treatments
DiolazeXL can target areas where the hair needs to be removed with higher precision, including problem areas such as the upper lip and underarm, speeding up the process while providing even, uniform results.

Quick Results
Each pulse takes a fraction of a second to destroy hair follicles, plus the large surface area size means our procedure is faster, with fewer passes required for incredible speed, safety, and comfort.

Laser hair removal benefits many busy professionals, shaving off prep time required for daily grooming.

Greater Comfort
DiolazeXL has a built-in cooling surface, which makes treatment more comfortable, with many patients reporting it’s virtually painless.

Schedule a Consultation for Laser Hair Removal

At Kitsilano Medical Aesthetics, we get that personal grooming allows people to feel more confident and better about their appearance. By using DiolozeXL for laser hair removal, we work with patients to remove unwanted hair almost permanently, so you can confidently break out the trunks or miniskirt when spring rolls around—no razors required.