As we age, it’s natural to notice some loss of firmness in our skin. Over time, the proteins that make our skin smooth and supple—collagen and elastin—start to deplete. As a result, we may notice sagging, loss of firmness or even a crepey appearance on areas like our neck, face, arms, and hands.


Mopheus8 in Vancouver

The beauty industry is aware. Products that target aging are immensely popular, delivering activities that promise to revitalize the skin. Other options include dermal fillers, which can improve the appearance of wrinkles for several months. There’s even plastic surgery, which offers dramatic results but comes at a premium price point and extensive recovery time. That’s why, as an aesthetic clinic, we’re pleased to provide a non-surgical option. For clients who want to strategically tighten their skin without significant expense and recovery time, we offer Morpheus8 in Vancouver.


Morepheus8 has already become a celebrity go-to. Kim Kardashian, Jessica Simpson, and Lindsay Lohan have all tried and loved the Morpheus8 skin-tightening treatment. As a non-invasive treatment, we offer Morphus8 in Vancouver at our Kitsilano office. This FDA-approved state-of-the-art medical technology uses radio waves to tighten the skin in treatments that take approximately 30-90 minutes, depending on the treatment areas.


Morepheus8 Treatments in Vancouver

As a safe anti-ageing treatment, we offer Morepheus8 for face and neck treatments. The technology works by using gold-plated microneedles to channel radiofrequency and heat deep into the layers of skin, tightening underlying fat while stimulating elastin and collagen production. The results are significant as your skin can tighten up to six months after your Morpheus8 session.


Most of our clients notice some changes immediately—but the most significant improvements are noticeable after a few weeks. The treatment is non-surgical. It’s possible for most people to resume normal activities right after the treatment, although there may be some redness, tingling, and soreness in the first 72 hours. 


Experience Morepheus8 in Vancouver

Benefits of the Morepheus8 are significant and include:

  • Softening of fine lines and wrinkles
  • Softening of acne scarring
  • Tightening of lower and upper eye areas
  • Improvements in skin laxity and tone
  • Sculpting of mid and lower face due to remodelling of sub-dermal fat.


For optimal results, we recommend between 2-3 sessions spaced at 4–8-week intervals. Dr. Kamani will develop a personalized treatment that accounts for your medical and genetic history as well as personal goals. If you want to learn more about Morepheus8 in Vancouver—and if it’s right for you, reach out to Dr. Kamani’s office at 604.222.9998